"There Are No Coincidences : Synchronicity as the Modern-Day Mystical Experience"
Frank Joseph is one of my favourite authors, he writes extensively on ancient and lost civilizations such as Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt just to name a few. Recently, I got to reading his other titles, on the subject of Synchronicity. In the book, "There Are No Coincidences: Synchronicity as The Modern-Day Mystical Experience", he described "Synchronicity" as the most mysterious thing in the world. It is the term parasychologists use for "meaningful coincidence". He stated that, "In earthly existence, we live in a field of time. Events have happened, we experience life now, and anticipate what is to come. We absolutely need this clear division of past, present and future to get through daily life in the work-a-day world of physical reality. But science has revealed that this concept of time is not the only one. An astronaut who travels almost at the speed of light will return to find that the planet he left behind five of his years ago has changed five thousand Earth years. Synchronicity is part of this so-called "Theory of Relativity". When we have meaningful coincidence, time seems to have stopped or been suspended, because we temporarily move out of our usual field of time, into the field of eternity; that is why synchronicities feel so strange. It is the so-called "wisdom body", our natural, supra-rational spiritual instinct, reacting to the presence of the Divine."
The author, then went into detailed explanation about how there are seven major chakras, and Seven Human Types that can generally describe different people men and women as a "Root Chakra Persons", "Sacral Chakra Person", "Navel Chakra Person", "Heart Chakra Persons", "Throat Chakra Person","Brow (Third-Eye) Chakra Person", "Crown Chakra Person". Though each individual would have blends of all characteristics from all the seven categories, their leading character traits seem gathered into one that predominates. However, the person is not prisoners of the chakra that most defines their thoughts and actions. They may change from one to another, but how they think and behave at any given time indicates the chakra that most typifies them. No chakra is better or more necessary than any other.And all chakra personalities have their positive and negative qualities.
As highlighted by Joseph, "Recognising the dominant chakra, both in ourselves and others, must lead to a heightened sense of identity and even compassion. We begin to discern a fundmental inter-connectedness of all human beings ona common spiritual level. Such recognition could also help us avoid those persons, often so deceptively charming, with potential for harm. No less importantly, being able to distinguish the seven human types can lead us to individuals capable of doing the most good for us."
Well, called it sychronicity, but the two persons whom I personally have great admiration for, were both highlighted in the book as "Brow (Third-Eye) Chakra Persons", one personifying the positive and the other the negative aspects of the chakra's character when balance is not sought.
Here is an abstract from the book :-
Brow (Third-Eye) Chakra Celebrity-A: Leonardo Da Vinci
"Perhaps the greatest genius in history, the life and works of Leonardo da Vinci are famous around the world. No one before or since him excelled as the supreme master and most imaginative innovator of so many disciplines: painting, sculpure, architecture, literature, human anatomy, foreign languages, the staging of public festivals, weapons technology, civil and military engineering. He was a pioneer in modern scientific illustration, aviation, sunmarine development, and the construction of armored vehicles. His Mona Lisa and Last Supper are the best known paintings on Earth.
For Leonardo, subconscious truth and conscious fact, representing the right and left brains, respectively, were not at odds with each other, but combined in his own "theory of knowledge". This was a synthesis of art and science, in which his art was scientifically executed, while his science was artistically developed. His genius, then, was a result of a perfectly balanced mind, wherein both hemispheres of his awareness worked together for unified purposes. His noted biographer, L.H.Heydenreich, commented that Leonardo's universality was "a spiritual force that generated in him an unlimited desire for knowledge, and guided his thinking and behaviour."
To him, "sight was man's highest sense organ, because sight alone conveyed the facts of experience immediately, correctly and with certainty. Saper vedere ("knowing how to see") became the great theme in his studies of man's work and mature creations". Heydenreich insists that Leonardo's genius was based on tremendous powers of observations. In other words, he powered his Brow Chakra to a phenomenal degree. It almost literally vacuumed up illimitable details and subtleties his consciousness then ordered into mosaics of great art and scientific vision.
Despite the unprecedented energy of his mind, he knew that there was more to living than painting the Leda,or building the working model of an airplane five hundred years before the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk. Leonardo had many friends, relished their company, fell in and out of love, enjoyed travelling, and was an amianle gregarious man. He never exercised his henius at the expense of his humanity. Especially adored by his students, they knew he regarded the arts and sciences, not as intellectual pursuits in themselves, but means to the glorification of the holy spirit and service and enlightment for his fellow man. When he died at 67, he was as much beloved for his heart as his mighty brain. His life demostrated that the heights of intellectual accomplishment may only be achieved through perception through our Brow Chakra of the spiritual forces which underlie all visible phenomena."
Brow (Third-Eye) Chakra Celebrity-B : Nikola Tesla
"Of humble Serbian origins,Tesla migrated to the United States with four cents in his pocket, in 1884. The following year, George Westinghouse, head of the renowned electric company named after himself, bought the 28-year-old inventor's patent for alternative current. Tesla thus made the incredibly quick transition from pauper to multi-millionaire, because he was obsessed with discoveries in electricity. Nothing else in life interested him. He was himself a powerhouse of energy, his every waking hour consumed in invention for its own sake. Even the practical application of his finds was useful for him only in so far as they interested backers for new projects.
"Of humble Serbian origins,Tesla migrated to the United States with four cents in his pocket, in 1884. The following year, George Westinghouse, head of the renowned electric company named after himself, bought the 28-year-old inventor's patent for alternative current. Tesla thus made the incredibly quick transition from pauper to multi-millionaire, because he was obsessed with discoveries in electricity. Nothing else in life interested him. He was himself a powerhouse of energy, his every waking hour consumed in invention for its own sake. Even the practical application of his finds was useful for him only in so far as they interested backers for new projects.
An intensely driven man in every sense, he fused all his energy-centres into his sixth vortex, then focused the accumulated forces of these super-charged chakras into his conscious mind, which fairly explored with new concepts. He had harnessed his entire being to the genius of his "Thord-Eye", which glowed with a blinding intelligence. The vortex of his Brow Chakra spun ever faster and brighter, while the other etheric "wheels" of his personality dimmed and slowed.The results were spectacular but his life became a flame that burned with too brilliant an intensity. His biographer describes te inventor as "quite impractical in financial matters. An eccentric,driven by compulsions and a progressive germ phobia, Tesla had a way of intuitively sensing hidden scientific secrets and employing his inventive talent to prove his hypothese. Tesla demanded much of his employess,but inspired their loyalty." He had very few close friends, if any, and chose to distance himself from all personal relationships. Although physically attracted women, he had no time for them, and never married.
Tesla's restless,fervid brain was a pressure cooker of far-out ideas his obessive will-power wrenched into reality. He was a man far ahead of his time, even beyond ours. More than sixty years after his death, scientists comb his personal papers for ideas. In 1891, he invented the Tesla Coil, still used in television sets and numerous other electronic instruments. Two years later, he astounded late 19th Century Chicagoans when his electricial system lit up the World Columbian Exposition at the Windy City, the first mass-illuminated display in history. Its dramatic success led to his installation of the premiere electrical generator at Niagara Falls.
In 1898, Tesla claimed he cloud operate an unmanned boat entirely by electrical impulses beamed at a receiver guiding its engine and steering merchanism from beyond the water. The announcement was universally condemned as a mad boast, until his pilotless model performed perfectly in a pool before thousand of astonished on-lookers at New York's Medison Square garden. he had invented the first remotely controlled vessel. Advancing rapidly from this "toy", he lighted 200 lamps without wire connections from 25 miles away. The following year, he moved to Colorado Springs, where he established a new laboratory. In it he produced great flashes of electricity over 40 feet long.
While in Colorado, Tesla made what he considered the most significant find of his career. He said that his radio receiver had received signals from an advanced civilization on another planet. Like his remote-controlled boat, his statement was received with derision. But this time, he had no means of demonstrating his discovery. He lacked any means for recording the outer space transmissions, and, when they stopped being broadcast for no apparent reasons, he was left without proof.
Returning to New York in 1900, he undertook construction of his most ambitious project. With a $150,000 advance from financier J.P.Morgan, Tesla began working on a huge tower powerful enough to send photographic images and written messages around the world in seconds - all this nearly one hundred years before the Internet was born. In the middle of this project, a financial crisis struck the U.S. econmoy, and Morgan suddenly withdrew his promised support, leaving the great tower half-finished. Fixated as Tesla had always been on his experiments, he had no business sense, and his ideas were routinely stolen from him, ending up as someone else's patent. With the 1929 stock market crash, he lost all his money, spending the rest of his life in solitary improverishment. He was no less engrossed in his scientific plans, but from now on they would go no further than the scraps of paper on which he sketched them.
On 7 January 1943, Nikola Tesla died alone penniless in the single, shabby room of a low-rent hotel in New York City. News of his death revived memories of the virtually forgotten inventer, and hundreds of people, including three Nobel Prize winners, turned out for his funeral.
Feeding every energy of mind and body to his sixth chakra, Tesla had starved the rest of his vortexes. The resultant man was a powerful creative intellect with incredible vision, but his conscious connection with the soiritual source that drove his brain was cut off. Even his personal survival skills had been stunted.Tesla's dilemma was the imbalance of internal forces, which his precursor, Leonardo da Vinci, had learned to harmonize. By subduing those forces to a single chakra, Tesla set a tragic example of the hazards inherent in favouring one vortex, no matter how lofty, at the expense of all the rest."
I-CHING Wisdom 79 : "Events are the language of the Universe."
We speak of the Universe with words, thoughts, and actions, and the Universe speaks to us with events. An example of an event is what we call coincidence, although there is actually no such thing in the Universe. A meeting "by chance", is no actually by chance but by design. Every event is a Universal communication. By acknowledging the Universe each time we become aware of its communication, the Universe becomes aware that we are aware of it, and so raises the level of communication. To be aware that the Universe is constantly communicating with us is to live in a manner only to be thought of as magical, and brings rewards of ever greater significance.
Ophiuchus' Notes :
While in Colorado, Tesla made what he considered the most significant find of his career. He said that his radio receiver had received signals from an advanced civilization on another planet. Like his remote-controlled boat, his statement was received with derision. But this time, he had no means of demonstrating his discovery. He lacked any means for recording the outer space transmissions, and, when they stopped being broadcast for no apparent reasons, he was left without proof.
Returning to New York in 1900, he undertook construction of his most ambitious project. With a $150,000 advance from financier J.P.Morgan, Tesla began working on a huge tower powerful enough to send photographic images and written messages around the world in seconds - all this nearly one hundred years before the Internet was born. In the middle of this project, a financial crisis struck the U.S. econmoy, and Morgan suddenly withdrew his promised support, leaving the great tower half-finished. Fixated as Tesla had always been on his experiments, he had no business sense, and his ideas were routinely stolen from him, ending up as someone else's patent. With the 1929 stock market crash, he lost all his money, spending the rest of his life in solitary improverishment. He was no less engrossed in his scientific plans, but from now on they would go no further than the scraps of paper on which he sketched them.
On 7 January 1943, Nikola Tesla died alone penniless in the single, shabby room of a low-rent hotel in New York City. News of his death revived memories of the virtually forgotten inventer, and hundreds of people, including three Nobel Prize winners, turned out for his funeral.
Feeding every energy of mind and body to his sixth chakra, Tesla had starved the rest of his vortexes. The resultant man was a powerful creative intellect with incredible vision, but his conscious connection with the soiritual source that drove his brain was cut off. Even his personal survival skills had been stunted.Tesla's dilemma was the imbalance of internal forces, which his precursor, Leonardo da Vinci, had learned to harmonize. By subduing those forces to a single chakra, Tesla set a tragic example of the hazards inherent in favouring one vortex, no matter how lofty, at the expense of all the rest."
I-CHING Wisdom 79 : "Events are the language of the Universe."
We speak of the Universe with words, thoughts, and actions, and the Universe speaks to us with events. An example of an event is what we call coincidence, although there is actually no such thing in the Universe. A meeting "by chance", is no actually by chance but by design. Every event is a Universal communication. By acknowledging the Universe each time we become aware of its communication, the Universe becomes aware that we are aware of it, and so raises the level of communication. To be aware that the Universe is constantly communicating with us is to live in a manner only to be thought of as magical, and brings rewards of ever greater significance.
Ophiuchus' Notes :
Whatever may be made out to be, my understanding is, there is really no right or wrong, just different experiences...
Source : There Are No Coincidences - Synchronicity as the Modern-Day Mystical Experience by Frank Joseph, pg 13,15 and pg 92-95
Leonardo da Vinci, Part 10/10 (History Channel)
Nikola Tesla : The Lost Wizard
I-Ching Wisdom, Volume Two : More Guidance from the Book of Answers - Universal Keys ofr Creating Peace, Prosperity, Love and Happiness by Wu Wei, pg 158
Leonardo da Vinci, Part 10/10 (History Channel)
Nikola Tesla : The Lost Wizard
I-Ching Wisdom, Volume Two : More Guidance from the Book of Answers - Universal Keys ofr Creating Peace, Prosperity, Love and Happiness by Wu Wei, pg 158
Further Readings :
- "The Science of Leonardo : Inside the Mind of the Great Genius of Renaissance" by Fritjof Capra.
-"My Inventions : The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla" by Nikola Tesla.
-"Tesla Is Back" by Ophiuchus on this blog published 12 April 2010.
-"Tesla Is Back" by Ophiuchus on this blog published 12 April 2010.
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