This is my very first entry on my very own blog! For a start - thought I'll begin by sharing some enlightening messages from the book "Conversation With The Children of Now" by Dr Meg Blackburn Losey, where she interviewed, the Indigos, Crystal and Star Kids who are amongst us now.
Many of these special and beautiful children shared with us the wisdom of the Universe. Here's an extract of what one of the kids, Weston Schmier have to say to these questions :
Q : "What is the greatest message you have for the people of our world?"
Weston :
Humanity must return to love. The world is filled with drama, fear, anger and conflict. Change is necessary for the greater good of humanity. Change is resisted because human beings do not remember beyond their current lives, which are filled with massive information input and justification of practically everything they do. Humanity must remember beyond the illusion, that the vitality of life is not what it seems. They must let go of fear because the truth is far simpler. That fear leads to the lack of change. The unknown is beyond the known, and the fear of the unknown is beyond reason.
The lands of the Earth display the inner existence of humanity with all of the colours of joy and the unfettered spirit, and the desolation of a defeated heart. As the rivers flow, so does life. Then there is non-movement, such as boulders on a mountain. Many people do not move in their lives. Lack of movement in life is sadness. Life is to be embraced and exchanged with all other life forms. The colours of life are not to be tempered by perceptions, only expanded in their resonance by exhilaration of spirit.
Compare yourselves to the animals, to those that scavenge, yet are their true selves. They have no fear, only the will to survive. They have the freedom of their basic natures, innocence by virtue of existence.
Those animals that are spoiled of their true nature don't remember their wildness except in their dreams. They fear many things because they have no experience.People are like that. Wanting to be spoiled,becoming too comfortable in their safe places, having, owning things, but not having knowledge about life in general. They have forgotten their wildness, their innocence.
Innocence is found in the light of love, of grace. Human become lost within and have embarrassment to display their grace as they would be embarrassed by the response of others. The truth is that others would respond in like manner, and their love, their grace, would shine even more brightly.
Diligence is the key. To always be aware of how you feel, what you are really experiencing, not the illusion. For the most part humanity has become so caught up in the illusion that they don't remember their true selves. Stop listening to what others say. Listen within. The answers are there. Being human is temporary, so all of those everyday worries don't mean anything in the overall picture of things. The spirit is forever.And that's what really matters. Find your spirit. Ask yourself what is important, really. Be that.
There is much hope but little faith in this world on Earth. Faith and hope are two completely different energies of feeling and thinking. Hope implies failure. Faith exemplifies the expectation of success. More, faith is what creates life when there is little hope of it.
Humanity has too many boundaries, particularly of needing to feel aside, alone in the journey, special or important. The truth is everyone is perfect. There is Joy in Oneness, to the joy of being whole. No one thing can exist without the other. p228-229.
Q: Who is God? Is God a person or something more? What is our relation to God? Is that relationship the same as religion or something more?
Weston :
God isn't religion. God isn't a stern figure who punishes us for doing something bad. We punished ourselves enough without having to have God do it . People become afraid when they have had experiences that weren't good, or they don't let themselves have experiences just in case they screw up. Using the concept of an Almighty God just gives people an excuse not to be free inside or to accept that they have choices other then what they can see or experience.
Because we are perfection, we are God. "God" is a word that tries to define our source. That is impossible because our Source is an infinite field of energy that manifests as light. That light is inside of us, in every cell in our bodies, and we can draw from that.
When we pray, we are really calling to the light to tell it what we want or need. The light responds and reality changes. We have that light within us. It acts in response to everything that we do. It changes our reality based upon everything that we believe.
People personified God in order to have a deity that they could understand in human terms, but it is much greater than that. The most wonderful things is that all of reality is enfolded within us. We are encoded with every imaginable possibility. All we have to do is imagine it and it becomes true. That is, if we believe it.
So the bottom line is that everything is a choice. Life, love, happiness, all of it. In order to address the God within us, the God that we are, we have to let go of our fears, breathe, and realise that those fears are unfounded - that we are of perfection and, therefore, we are perfection. p154-155.
Q: These days, people feel empty inside as if something is missing. How can they get back in touch with that part of themselves that really hasn't gone anywhere?
Weston :
People think they are empty because they have not remembered that they are already perfect and already have everything that they need. Values have changed, and what people think is important is all part of the illusion.
The illusion is that achievements are important. That individuals are important. That there is nothing greater then self-fulfilment, which leads to emptiness, because it isn't true. The truth is that everything everyone is looking for is already inside of them. The truth is that there is no emptiness. Emptiness is just a perception. When people look outside of themselves for what they want, they are only getting the opinions of other people.
Those people have made decisions based on their experiences, and they might not have made very good ones. But whatever they did was their truth at the time. Even if they succeeded at whatever they decided, it doesn't mean someone else will because maybe it isn't the decision their life is meant to go. Or maybe they are just doing it because someone else did.When people do that it gets them into trouble.
The best way to stay on track is to live the truth. Not everyone else's, just yours! p144-145.
Q : What is dying? Where do we go?
Weston :
In order to die, first you must live. Humanity is so afraid of dying that often it sits paralysed, unable to put one foot in front of the other in order to participate in the very journey for which they came.
Every aspect of life serves a purpose. Even the most minor things in life are of vital importance. Take bamboo for instance. It is both fragile and strong. The water nurtures the bamboo, and at the same time cleanses its environment and brings elements of peace. The richness , the tannin from the bamboo, contributes to the richness of the water so that it can continue to contribute to the nurturing of all that surrounds it. Even the insects are symbiotic with the plant's health and growth as they live in harmony with the plants, and the bamboo contributes to the well-being of the bugs by providing food and shelter.
But in all of that, the cycles continue and ultimately each has its death, and with that death the decaying remnants of what was feeds the very environment that brought it life, sustained that life. This has always been so. There needs to be no fear of death. It is a fact of living. In fact, death is part of the illusion. You don't die. You just continue to be part of an infinite cycle. In all of that, remember to live! p165.
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