Monday, December 21, 2009

AVATAR - The Movie

Not one who cares much about going to the movies, however for the last three days had this non-stop urging from the heart telling me to go watch "Avatar" - without knowing anything about it, the feeling was just too strong that I was even contemplating to catch the movie alone at a late night 10pm sneak preview, after attending Geshe Michael Roach's talk on Wednesday - the only thing stopping me was that by the time I got out of the cinema, it would be way past midnight, the taxi would cost a bomb...and not to mention, my phone will be buzzing non-stop like a time-bomb!!!

So, for someone who goes to the cinema, say about once a year, "Avatar" became a first for me, catching a new release on opening day! Not because it's a James Cameron movie (have not even watched Titanic in full), or that it's like the biggest movie of the year, but rather, was just simply following a call to watch it... and watch I did and came out sobbing...literally body shaking sobs!!! Hahaha...

This movie is loaded really loaded!!! Call it science fiction or whatever you like. But let's just hope humanity is smart enough not to let history repeats itself!!!

For those who have read, "The Lost Book of Enki", you may most probably understand what I am trying to say. Who knows, James Cameron, may have just got his inspiration from these ancient Sumerian text...

As the story goes, in the year 2154, Earth's resources will be in a state of waste and the main purpose for the human beings to be in Pandora is to mine the extremely valuable mineral unobtainium available there - just like when the Anunnaki came to Earth some 445,000 years ago in search of gold to help save their home planet Nibiru, which was facing a great danger due to a dwindling atmosphere which causes climate changes. In order to survive, they came to Earth looking for the precious metal, an element for the creation of a protective shield to save their atmosphere.

Then there's the issue about the Avatar program, which allow humans to control genetically engineered human-Na’vi going back to the Sumerian text, in order to get more helpers to mine the gold needed, the Anunnaki then also decided to create a Primitive Worker,by genetically engineering the life essence of the Anunnaki with that of a wild Being in Abzu (gold mining area in southeast Africa). They succeeded and the Adamu, the first successfully genetically engineered Primitive Worker (Homo sapiens) in the imagine of the Anunnaki was attained on Earth...

There were many many more similarities, that can be found between the chronicles of the book and the movie, but what's most interesting to me is Cameron's choice of the jellyfish like creature, to represent the seeds of Eyra, a spiritual entity that the Na’vi worship.

When I saw it, I was amazed at how it looked so much alike the jellyfish symbol of the crop circle found recently in Waylands Smithy on 29 May 2009. You may say, I'm reading too much into a simple science-fiction movie, but maybe, just maybe, there's a collective message we are all to hear.The fact, that the crop circle had appeared around the time of "Avatar" proposed original released on May 22, 2009, made it even more interesting...and once we understand what the symbol of the jellyfish represents, we may then just begin to comprehend how the Universe communicates and to listen to the messages carefully...but that's only if we can recognise the signs...

Jellyfish Crop Circle - 29 May 2009.
Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire.

For more info on what the Jellyfish symbol represents :-

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Love Without Condition

I love you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world. I honour your choices to learn in the way you feel is right for you.

I know it is important that you are the person you want to be and not someone that I or others think you "should" be. I realise that I cannot know what is best for you,although perhaps sometimes I think I do. I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle you have. I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it,with whom or in what time period. I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need.

I allow you to be in the world without a thought or word of judgement from me, about the deeds you undertake. I see no error in the things you say or do. In this place where I am, I see that there are many ways to perceive and experience the different facets of our world. I allow without reservation the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgement of this, for if I would deny your right to your evolution, then I would deny that right for myself and all others.

To those who would choose a way I cannot walk, whist I may not choose to add my power and my energy to this way, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so I shall be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

I allow you the universal right of free will to walk your own path,creating steps or to sit awhile if that is what is right for you. I will make no judgement that these steps are large or small,nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for this is just my viewpoint.

I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy and yet it may be that you bring great healing as you stand blessed by the light of God. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order.

For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution and with great love I acknowledge your right to determine your future. In humility I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean it is also right for you. I know that you are led as "I Am", following the inner excitement to know your own path.

I know that many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world , bring us great richness and allow us the benefit and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that love and wisdom back to the whole. I know that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I will not only love you if you behave in a way I think you should or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different place and believe in another God than I.

The love I feel is for all of God's world.I know that every living thing is a part of God and I feel a love deep within for every person, animal, tree and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all the creatures in all the world.

I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in the perfection of divine truth, becoming happier in the joy of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

This article is reproduced with permission from the author Sandy Stevenson.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day To All Inhabitants of Our Beautiful Blue Planet - 22 April 2009

This spectacular “blue marble” image is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date.
Credit:NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Image by Reto Stöckli

"The earth is our only home. As far as current scientific knowledge is concerned,this may be the only planet that can support life.One of the most powerful visions I have experienced was the first photograph of the earth from outer space.The image of a blue planet floating in deep space,glowing like the full moon on a clear night, brought home powerfully to me the recognition that we are indeed all members of a single family sharing one little house.I was flooded with the feeling of how ridiculous are the various disagreements and squabbles within the human family.I saw how futile it is to cling so tenaciously to the differences that divide us.From this perspective one feels the fragility, the vulnerability of our planet and its limited occupation of a small obit sandwiched between Venus and Mars in the vast infinity of space.If we do not look after this home,what else are we charged to do on this earth? "

H.H. The Dalai Lama
The Universe In A Single Atom

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's Happening on Earth?

Looking at the many scenes and description by victims of the many extreme weather changes happening in Australia,U.K.and China in recent days, have somewhat made it much clearer to me, why I've been driven passionately, especially in the past year, to understand more about the history of humanity, the cycles of our Mother Earth and our true relationship with the Universe as One.
Here, I've decided to post just 2 short abstracts of Kryon's channelling in July and Nov 2008, on what's happening on with our planet and it's changes in weather patterns...

Current Events
This live channelling was Given in Asheville, North Carolina
July 12, 2008
...Number four. We have some simple advice about the weather. Understand that it's not going to get better. If you sit and wish for it, that will not make it better. We have explained it before, so we will say it again. You're in a water cycle that is profoundly set to create a mini ice age. It may seem odd to you that it gets hot before it has to get cold, but if you will look into your geology records, you will find the exact same thing has happened before. You didn't have the record keeping back then in the 1400s, but it happened then and you survived it then. So we say to you, the winds will return, and our advice is to prepare for this by creating a situation where you acclimate to the new weather.

Learn to anticipate it; build differently. Feel free not to build where danger is, or learn to build in safer places. But the admonishment is this: Don't be shocked when it returns. It will return. Don't be surprised when the levees break again south of you, because they will. You'd be much better off to move the dirt around in that town, and build on higher ground. [The berm system that Kryon mentioned in the past, where you build houses on what look like large strip-rows of raised dirt, where only the streets are below the water level. The houses are all built on the dirt strips, emulating the way crops are watered.] That is smart. We'll see if it happens. "What are you saying, Kryon?" I am saying that Human Beings can adapt as they have in the past, and the way you can now. If you start thinking smarter, you can adapt for the weather changes. Take charge of how you affect it, not how it affects you. Turn weather catastrophes into weather events.

Also, do not fear what is happening. Do not project what you see today into some kind of drama that you expect tomorrow. The warming is a pre-cursor to cold, just as in the past... just as in the past. You can sit around and worry about it, or you can prepare for it. That was number four....

"Current Events & Potentials for 2009"
This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California
November 30, 2008

The Earth

I'll start with the earth. I'm going to start big and go small. Current events: What's going on with the planet itself? Esoterically, the Crystalline Grid of this planet is filling up with new energy. Part of the Crystalline structure's attributes is remembrance. Children remember this even from the crystal radio sets they might have built in school. A crystal has frequency detection and remembrance. That's at a scientific and geologic level. At an esoteric level, the Crystalline Grid of this planet remembers you and your frequency. It remembers your Akash, and it knows why you're here. It's always ready to activate.

Gaia is alive and is your partner in vibrational shift. It always has been. You and Gaia have an agreement to work together, and part of the issue there is all of the things surrounding this – what we will call the geophysics of the planet. They are beginning to shift before you. Now I give you science and I throw the gauntlet out and I say go check it! Why is it that the magnetic field has moved so much and so far, even in the last 10 years? "What's up with that?" you might say. We told you it would 20 years ago. It had to. For the magnetic grid of the earth literally speaks to the DNA within the trillions of pieces in your body, which are emulating the very Akashic record of life, death and the past expressions [lives] of who you are.

Are you aware that your Akashic Record is interdimensional? We stood right here and told you that years ago [Laguna Hills]. There are two layers of your interdimensional DNA that are energies linked together, which we call the Lemurian layers. They've been with you from the beginning, and they are your Akashic Record. It takes two of them linked together in this purpose to give this amazing storage, and they're the only pair of interdimensional layers you have. The twisted strand? Well now, that's the 3D part, the double helix, and not really even a pair. No, I'm talking about two interdimensionally linked layers. That's how strong the Akash is, and how strong the record of who you are is.

Your Akashic Record is interdimensional and has no time. To you it does, for you say it's a record of the past. But it's really not. It's a record of the present as culled from your past. Imprinted upon it are the potentials of what's going to happen to you next time around. Again, the Akashic Record sounds like something from the past, does it not? But rather, it's the Akashic Record of who you're going to be. If all is in the now in a quantum state, then any kind of a "record" is everything that happens, not just in one direction [your past]. It must include a "record" of the potentials of the future. We don't expect you to understand this.
"Well, Kryon, even in my limited understanding, that means predestination." No, it does not. You see, you are a piece of God, just like I am. We know the potentials you're building with the life energy you have now, and what the propensities are of what you will do next. Oh, it's not totally known, but it is potential, nevertheless. It's also known that all of you are coming back. Yes, you are! You'll have the mind of God on the other side of the veil and you're going to come back very quickly.

Turnaround times? [from birth to reincarnation] Forget everything you've been told. In this energy, esoterically I will tell you that a Lightworker may come and go within a year. One year! If it's longer than that, then they're waiting for something. Forget what you've been told by those who are metaphysical, by those in the old energy, of how long it takes to regenerate another plan. You have no idea of how this has all changed. The energy on this planet supports a fast turnaround. That ought to tell you what's been happening here.
I want you to look at the magnetic field's strength. It's getting lower! Go ahead and measure the actual gauss units. It is not as strong as it was. What does that mean? Remember this: The veil, what you have called the veil, is defined as that which is between you and the other side of you. That is, it's what's between 3D and multiple-D. You think it's the curtain between you and God, but it's not that clear cut. It's thick, this veil, and we have told you from the beginning that magnetics and the gravity and the light of this planet are all part of it. Now they're all becoming weaker, becoming less. The veil is beginning to lift a little, and some of you have felt it and you know exactly what I'm speaking of.

Why don't you also go and measure the heliosphere of the sun? Go ahead. Rise from your chairs and go look it up. You will find it's never been weaker! Some will say it's dangerously low. The heliosphere is the magnetic compliment of the sun that literally shields you from the cosmic rays of space. It's getting less and less in your solar system! Don't worry, however, since it's all part of a system, an earth system that you are changing, and it's all part of science that you can measure, and all part of what we told you to expect.

Do I have to ask you to go and look up the weather shifts that you've had? Perhaps you will just look out the window? [Laughter] Twenty years ago, we said there will be places that would no longer grow things that always did, and other places where things would grow where they never did. We told you of areas that were barren that would have water. What does that tell you about the weather? It tells you that there would be major shifts in the water cycle. Today, that's what you're seeing. Do not fear this shift!

First of all, we'll say it again: It is slow! You have time. If the water level rises, get out of the way! The earth moves slowly. Those who keep track of these things will see them happening, and you'll have years to adjust. Yet there will be some Humans who will dig in and challenge it – and drown. Humans do that, you know? They don't believe what's happening and they deny change. Consciousness is the same thing. Have you seen it lately? There are some who will dig in because they don't like the change, and they will drown in the process. That is metaphorically saying that there are those who will give their lives to keep everything the same. What does that tell you about the shift? They wouldn't do that unless they were seeing something they didn't like: Shift.

Again, we say this: There is nothing wrong with the weather. It is going through a cycle that has advanced itself. In other words, it is before its time because you have sped up the geology of this planet. You've actually sped up the clock in a relative way. That is to say that as your clock goes the same speed and you even seem to age the same way, but the planet has sped up! You might say, "Well, that doesn't make sense, Kryon." You're right. It wouldn't to you, because you are in 3D and these things are relative to interdimensional attributes. Haven't you felt the increase in the speed of time? Ask innate, ask that which is inside, "Have you felt the speed-up lately?" That's the anxiousness, the awakening at three in the morning we told you about years ago. That's an earth speeding up. It's all there for you to look at. Now, that's not something that's going to happen. That's something that did happen, and here you sit....

For those who are interested to read more, you may visit http://

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Humanity Must Return To Love!~ A Message from the Children of Now

This is my very first entry on my very own blog! For a start - thought I'll begin by sharing some enlightening messages from the book "Conversation With The Children of Now" by Dr Meg Blackburn Losey, where she interviewed, the Indigos, Crystal and Star Kids who are amongst us now.

Many of these special and beautiful children shared with us the wisdom of the Universe. Here's an extract of what one of the kids, Weston Schmier have to say to these questions :

Q : "What is the greatest message you have for the people of our world?"

Weston :
Humanity must return to love. The world is filled with drama, fear, anger and conflict. Change is necessary for the greater good of humanity. Change is resisted because human beings do not remember beyond their current lives, which are filled with massive information input and justification of practically everything they do. Humanity must remember beyond the illusion, that the vitality of life is not what it seems. They must let go of fear because the truth is far simpler. That fear leads to the lack of change. The unknown is beyond the known, and the fear of the unknown is beyond reason.

The lands of the Earth display the inner existence of humanity with all of the colours of joy and the unfettered spirit, and the desolation of a defeated heart. As the rivers flow, so does life. Then there is non-movement, such as boulders on a mountain. Many people do not move in their lives. Lack of movement in life is sadness. Life is to be embraced and exchanged with all other life forms. The colours of life are not to be tempered by perceptions, only expanded in their resonance by exhilaration of spirit.

Compare yourselves to the animals, to those that scavenge, yet are their true selves. They have no fear, only the will to survive. They have the freedom of their basic natures, innocence by virtue of existence.

Those animals that are spoiled of their true nature don't remember their wildness except in their dreams. They fear many things because they have no experience.People are like that. Wanting to be spoiled,becoming too comfortable in their safe places, having, owning things, but not having knowledge about life in general. They have forgotten their wildness, their innocence.

Innocence is found in the light of love, of grace. Human become lost within and have embarrassment to display their grace as they would be embarrassed by the response of others. The truth is that others would respond in like manner, and their love, their grace, would shine even more brightly.

Diligence is the key. To always be aware of how you feel, what you are really experiencing, not the illusion. For the most part humanity has become so caught up in the illusion that they don't remember their true selves. Stop listening to what others say. Listen within. The answers are there. Being human is temporary, so all of those everyday worries don't mean anything in the overall picture of things. The spirit is forever.And that's what really matters. Find your spirit. Ask yourself what is important, really. Be that.

There is much hope but little faith in this world on Earth. Faith and hope are two completely different energies of feeling and thinking. Hope implies failure. Faith exemplifies the expectation of success. More, faith is what creates life when there is little hope of it.

Humanity has too many boundaries, particularly of needing to feel aside, alone in the journey, special or important. The truth is everyone is perfect. There is Joy in Oneness, to the joy of being whole. No one thing can exist without the other. p228-229.

Q: Who is God? Is God a person or something more? What is our relation to God? Is that relationship the same as religion or something more?

Weston :
God isn't religion. God isn't a stern figure who punishes us for doing something bad. We punished ourselves enough without having to have God do it . People become afraid when they have had experiences that weren't good, or they don't let themselves have experiences just in case they screw up. Using the concept of an Almighty God just gives people an excuse not to be free inside or to accept that they have choices other then what they can see or experience.

Because we are perfection, we are God. "God" is a word that tries to define our source. That is impossible because our Source is an infinite field of energy that manifests as light. That light is inside of us, in every cell in our bodies, and we can draw from that.

When we pray, we are really calling to the light to tell it what we want or need. The light responds and reality changes. We have that light within us. It acts in response to everything that we do. It changes our reality based upon everything that we believe.

People personified God in order to have a deity that they could understand in human terms, but it is much greater than that. The most wonderful things is that all of reality is enfolded within us. We are encoded with every imaginable possibility. All we have to do is imagine it and it becomes true. That is, if we believe it.

So the bottom line is that everything is a choice. Life, love, happiness, all of it. In order to address the God within us, the God that we are, we have to let go of our fears, breathe, and realise that those fears are unfounded - that we are of perfection and, therefore, we are perfection. p154-155.

Q: These days, people feel empty inside as if something is missing. How can they get back in touch with that part of themselves that really hasn't gone anywhere?

Weston :
People think they are empty because they have not remembered that they are already perfect and already have everything that they need. Values have changed, and what people think is important is all part of the illusion.

The illusion is that achievements are important. That individuals are important. That there is nothing greater then self-fulfilment, which leads to emptiness, because it isn't true. The truth is that everything everyone is looking for is already inside of them. The truth is that there is no emptiness. Emptiness is just a perception. When people look outside of themselves for what they want, they are only getting the opinions of other people.

Those people have made decisions based on their experiences, and they might not have made very good ones. But whatever they did was their truth at the time. Even if they succeeded at whatever they decided, it doesn't mean someone else will because maybe it isn't the decision their life is meant to go. Or maybe they are just doing it because someone else did.When people do that it gets them into trouble.

The best way to stay on track is to live the truth. Not everyone else's, just yours! p144-145.

Q : What is dying? Where do we go?

Weston :
In order to die, first you must live. Humanity is so afraid of dying that often it sits paralysed, unable to put one foot in front of the other in order to participate in the very journey for which they came.

Every aspect of life serves a purpose. Even the most minor things in life are of vital importance. Take bamboo for instance. It is both fragile and strong. The water nurtures the bamboo, and at the same time cleanses its environment and brings elements of peace. The richness , the tannin from the bamboo, contributes to the richness of the water so that it can continue to contribute to the nurturing of all that surrounds it. Even the insects are symbiotic with the plant's health and growth as they live in harmony with the plants, and the bamboo contributes to the well-being of the bugs by providing food and shelter.

But in all of that, the cycles continue and ultimately each has its death, and with that death the decaying remnants of what was feeds the very environment that brought it life, sustained that life. This has always been so. There needs to be no fear of death. It is a fact of living. In fact, death is part of the illusion. You don't die. You just continue to be part of an infinite cycle. In all of that, remember to live! p165.