Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Mysterious Black - Out Of Sirius

The Mysterious Black-Out of Sirius
Patricia Cori 
What is going on with the censorship of visual data from google map and sky map, referencing the stars Sirius A and Sirius B?
Sirius A and B. Photo credit : NASA/SAO/CXC

Despite the denial of the scientific community, which seeks to convince us that this obvious alteration of the two (actually three) stars in question is merely a glitch in the global telescope networks, commencing with the Palomar Observatory, the truth is there for us to see. They want us to believe it has to do with a ‘light leak’ on one of the plates on one of the original photographic plates. Right?
 Something about Sirius bothers the powers that be. But what is it? While all manner of conspiracy theories are surfacing about this strange phenomenon – what I hear from the source, The Sirian High Council, is this:


“Quite simply, the space-time continuum that you understand as the fabric of the physical universe is filled with many vexing anomalies – such as what you understand in the terms: wormholes, stargates and multi-dimensional portals.
 Sirius is all of these. With its triune system of stars (Sirius A, B and C) resonating in three different dimensions, this is a complexity that is altering time space itself. Anything and everything is possible at these immense vortices in the cosmic tapestry which includes, as well you imagine, the coming and going of ships (physical and etheric or holographic), layers upon layers of conscious forms and entities, all manner of invisible frequencies and waves, and most significant to all – there lies a lens on the enormous community of life and light beyond your current perceptions.

Photonic emissions from this parallel reality are flooding through this field, altering the essence of the time space continuum, the perception of physical space, too, and serving as a filter for the consciousness of all beings in this region of the galactic family to which you belong.

This is beginning to be evidenced in your own solar field. Craft are mysteriously appearing to pass right through or over the sun and yet your scientists insist that it is a physical impossibility – and that anything attempting to even remotely approach the sun would be pulverized instantly. This is an illusion. You now have the digital images to prove it. The whole physical universe is an illusion. Nothing at all is what appears to be and everything is possible in the Cosmos of Soul. You merely need to contemplate the concept of the delay of light reaching your vision in light years to realize that what you see as stars in the system may not even still be there, so long it is that their light must traverse space before it reaches you.

Those who believe they own this ‘futuristic’ knowledge do not want you to understand what lies beyond these lights. They are there to invite you to reach beyond the finite world and guide you home, as they have done from before you even recorded your own historical legend. The “structure” of the physical universe is completely unstructured, perennially mutating, shifting, moving – spinning. Those who manipulate you have conquered those limitations. They are deep into space now, despite their theatrics of antiquated space travel, still shown to you at ‘lift off’ events to confuse and deny you the truth of their penetration of other realms. They have been walking through the time construct for decades, backwards and forwards; they have been on other worlds – interacting, even COMMANDING-for the same. They have remote-viewed other universes, traveling to the future time and committing the grievous error of pulling that ‘future’ into the unprepared reality of your present existence. It is a wonder to the community of conscious beings that this has been managed for so long on your planet and still you have been mesmerized by the lies.

At the great multi-dimensional gateway of Sirius, the greatest ‘highway’ of your galaxy, there is an unfathomable amount of exchange and transit. Behind that ‘star’, positioned as the keyhole through which one can observe and travel into other realities, the commerce of countless civilizations, some peaceful and co-operative, others not so intended, are visible and undeniable. Your own future selves, as you perceive them, may very well be looking in from the other side of that “door!” Every imaginable and unimaginable astral being can pass through and manifest form – from the light beings of many higher dimensions, to the collective dark ooze that seeps through the gears of mechanical “un-consciousness.” From this, much of your tormenting hyper-technology is leached into Earth reality.

Keep your eyes on the sky. You will see the shifting of the stars, your sun, the planetary beings that share your space and know that the symphony of your sun’s transmutation into higher vibratory essence is harmonious and fully orchestrated – playing in the tempo of Divine Creation. Nothing can blind you to that but your own doubt, your fear for the future and your conviction that the dark forces might actually manage to obliterate the light. That is not the outcome... In the story of Gaia unfolding, the light prevails. So it seen from the world we know...so shall it be.

—We are the Sirian High Council."

  Copyright © Patricia Cori 2012

Ophiuchus' Note : 

The above message was recently received by Patricia Cori and has been reproduced here with the permission of the author. If you would like to know more about the Sirian High Council or Patricia Cori, you may visit them at : www.sirianrevelations.net

Objetos extraños cerca del Sol - 2012

Coincidently, I happened to watch these videos just a few days before I got to read the message above ~ therefore it drawn upon me the importance of this synchonicity...for those of you who may be interested, you may like to take a closer look at what's happening in the sky and around us lately...

Time Out Live: Time Travel Researcher Dr. David Lewis Anderson 28 July 2010

Meanwhile, as always, may we ask that you, the reader, use discernment over what feels right for YOU, yet allow others their own opinions and truths. Thank you. <3 :)