Saturday, January 15, 2011


The Greatest Gift of Love -
The heart whose love has no bounds.

Throughout our incarnations on Earth, we have experienced many personal traumas. Along with times of great joy, we also experience betrayals, loss of loved ones, great sadness, injustices and various forms of death. These incidents leave us with lots of different emotions and thought patterns.

At the end of each incarnation, we review these events so we see the truth of what really happened, this allows us to release it. However, sometimes we put off looking at the more painful events, thinking it may be easier to examine them at a future time when they may not be as painful. So we put it off and put it off. Lifetimes go by and they remain waiting to be addressed. Then one day, we realise we have arrived at our last physical incarnation and many of these incidents with their various emotions are still with us.

All old souls on Earth are now completing their final physical incarnation. In order to proceed to the higher realms of existence for a more harmonious form of learning, all these patterns need to be released. The difficulty is we have no idea we have any buried trauma. Fortunately, on a spiritual level we do know.


We start to attract situations into our life to show us we have specific emotions and thoughts that need releasing. We begin by attracting gentle, non-traumatic events to help us notice where we have a reaction that can throw us slightly off balance. Perhaps we notice a stranger doing something to someone else that slightly offends or upsets us.

There is always a choice regarding the way we view any event that occurs in our life. We can notice our own reaction and let it go and be grateful to this stranger for showing us this negative trait within ourselves. Or we can choose to ignore our reaction and instead, condemn and judge the other person for their behaviour.

Life situations will show us again and again all the specific emotions we need to release. In order for us to proceed home, we are shown all reactions that need transmuting into a higher level of light energy. If we don't understand the real reason for attracting and thus fail to handle them, we will go on attracting more people doing things to bring up this same response in us. The events and situations may be quite different, but are all intended to trigger the same response in us. The universe continues to do its best to get us to notice the buried pain. It begins to increase the frequency and intensity of these events.

If we continue to blame others and fail to acknowledge and accept these areas of negativity and traumatic reactions within ourselves, life can get quite traumatic. Events will begin to be inflicted upon us by those closest to us, rather than by strangers. Loved ones are more effective in dragging our buried stuff up to the surface. As we care more about the people closest to us, they can usually reach us where others may have failed. Relationships with our family cannot usually be so easily escaped and we are forced to address things.

Let the next statement reach deep within your heart and soul. The people doing these things to us are the people who love you so unconditionally, they are willing to create whatever circumstances are necessary to help you see what you need to see before you can go home. These are the people who love you so much they are willing to risk being treated like the enemy, judged, criticised, yelled at, hated, trampled upon, scorned and abandoned. Of course, it doesn’t seem as though they love you at the time. It can appear they hate you as they often behave horribly. This is often quite uncharacteristic, unless they have been trying to show you this particular reaction for a long time.

Every area of your life where you cannot maintain a harmonious balance of unconditional love, where you have negative thoughts and behaviour, where you can be thrown off your purpose and focus, where you blame others and fail to accept responsibility for your own life and its creations - will be presented to you.

As we often have quite a few different reactions to release, we usually attract several different scenarios with different people, at any one time. It would take a long time if we only attracted one event showing us one reaction.

Aside from our own life situations, we can also view our reactions to various world events. We will hear about the events that produce a reaction in us.

For your sake and that of everyone around you – if you find you have a need to be right or have any feelings of self righteousness or thoughts that you are better than anyone else - it is time to let them go.

None of us are above spiritual law. It doesn't help to pretend we are victims and aren't really creating our world. We need to stop blaming others. It is time to let go of unwanted emotions, exhaustion, struggle, pain, weariness and effort. Perhaps it's time to see the beauty of the truth we are being offered. The universe is showing us these things so we can let go of them. We are being helped to go home. It is time to move into harmony, joy, love and happiness.


The hard way to live is to continue to ignore your reactions. This rejects the spiritual understanding that we create all the circumstances in our life for our highest good. You can go on blaming everyone else for the grief they are causing you and play at being a victim of life. You can go on focusing on the apparent external circumstance, trying to decide how you should go about handling that situation/person, etc.

You can create bigger and bigger upsets in your life until things get so drastic they can no longer be ignored. Incidentally, at this point it also starts to impact as physical problems and illness upon the body.

Or you can handle it the easy way. This would be simply noting your reaction and releasing it - whereupon you STOP attracting the type of incident designed to trigger this reaction in you. When your reaction is no longer there, you don’t need to attract more incidents to show it. When the reaction is gone, the universe will change the events in your life to accommodate your new state of being.

Having cleared a reaction or thought pattern, you will then attract a new set of circumstances to show you another emotion you have buried. You will go on doing this with every buried thought and emotion you have, until you are completely in balance and can maintain a place of inner calm and peace without getting upset.

It is not wise to deny or suppress your emotions. Nor do you need to make any judgements about them or yourself. There is nothing wrong with emotions. They are OK and you are OK. It is just that at this particular time, it is better for you to release emotions that throw you off balance. In other words, release the emotions that throw you into a space of conditional love rather than unconditional love. Conditional love is the type of love where we say we will only love someone if they behave in a way we feel is acceptable. Unconditional love is when we just love someone, no matter their behaviour, colour, religion, beliefs, etc.

This is truth. No matter the level of horrific trauma you are sitting in right now, start afresh with this new view. Do nothing else initially than go within and handle your own stuff. This is the correct handling. Concentrate on letting go of your own reactions. That is why the situation has occurred. It may not always be something happening to you personally. Many different scenarios are created to help us see our reactions. You may read something in a book or magazine, or have a reaction to a movie, or perhaps you hear news of something happening to someone else or in another country. There is no difference. The reason you saw that movie or heard about that thing is because you attracted it.

Do not put your attention on the details and the significance of the situation itself. Do not worry about what reactions the other people involved need to let go of. We can often avoid looking at ourselves by putting our attention on what we think other people need to handle within themselves. We somehow try to make ourselves right by pointing out what they need to handle. Yes, they may need to let go of reactions also, but this is not your problem at this stage. The idea is to just take responsibility for yourself and the fact you created this to help you become wiser, more loving and more balanced.

When your reaction is gone, you will regain your inner peace concerning this area. Then the situation that caused it can and will change. Although there may be completely different types of events occurring that seem unrelated, if you examine your reaction to them, you will find an identical reaction. You are just being given different ways to see it. The significance of the event is not important. Whether you have attracted poverty, a partnership break up, are involved in family arguments, the house burning down or a court case, you still just handle your reactions.


Find a quiet time where you will not be disturbed. No children around, no phones ringing. A time for you.

Choose a particular reaction you have noticed you have. It needs to be brought to the surface again. If you need to help it along, you can imagine the scenario again, or a particular set of circumstances, that you know will provoke this particular emotion in you.

Let the thought, reaction or emotion come up so you are experiencing it fully. Then begin to flood your whole aura with Light. Have the intention that you wish to bring the exact frequency of Light that is right and comfortable for you. If you wish, you can visualise a lovely golden flowing light. Let it pour down through you and your aura. We can all know how far out our aura extends. This includes our emotional and mental bodies. You don’t need to think about how far out it is. You just know. Remember that it would include a space in front, back, underneath and above you. You can ask the angels to assist you to release the specific emotion or thought pattern.

Then, imagine the same scenario again to see if your reaction is gone. If it has not, let it come up to the surface again until you are feeling it. It may feel less severe as some of it may be released. Your goal is to have no further unpleasant reaction and you are able to stay calm, balanced and centred.

You can then imagine the scenario again to check if there are any different emotions or reactions coming up. There are quite often several or more things to handle from the one type of incident. Only stop doing this action when you are able to imagine that person or situation and it produces no unfavourable response in you. You are able to stay quite calm, comfortable and peaceful.

Use the same procedure any time you wish to spend time on going within to handle your unwanted responses. Just bring to mind whatever type of situation will trigger the reaction or response in you.

When you have handled all reactions to any particular event, give the universe time to rearrange the events of your life.

Now you are in a centred and balanced place with love in your heart. Spirit is now in control. Now if any action is needed, it will be coming from a place of love and not from the reactions of your mind, emotions or ego.

It is very important to ensure at this point, that you have also let go of any decisions or judgements you might have made while you were still caught up in your emotion reactions to the situation. You need to release these or it will affect how you proceed from now.

If you take some time each day to put in the discipline necessary to release your own reactions, you will begin to attract less and less disturbance into your life. Slowly, as all these buried trauma reactions are released; your life will become more and more balanced and joyful. Struggle, effort and hardship will be replaced by the most amazing sense of well being, fulfilment and joy. Love will return to your life.

Let us be incredibly grateful to each other for this precious gift we are giving each other now right across the planet. Remember that you cannot go home unless this buried stuff is released. All dense energy in your emotional and mental bodies must be released. You must be vibrating at a high frequency of light.

One day you will understand just what a great sacrifice has been made by so many of your loved one to help you see what you needed so much to see.

One day your loved ones will understand how great a sacrifice you made in your willingness to reflect to them what they needed so much to see.

Everybody is helping everybody else – right across the Earth.

By Sandy Stevenson ©
Article is reproduced with permission from the author.

Ophiuchus' Note : I first came across this article in May 2004. For me, it was a great insight as to why one is continuously faced with challenges which seem to be uncalled for at times, and why the people we loved most are the ones who are able to inflict us with the greatest hardship and pain?!? I re-visited the article again recently, and decided to post it here and hopefully, it would be of help to you (to read this) as it did for me.