Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 - 7 January 1943)
This is an abstract of a recent channelling by Kryon, about the return of Nikola Tesla.
"...In Yugoslavia, there's a famous workshop. Historic it is, for it belongs to the man who thought out of the box, Tesla. In that workshop, there are marks on the ceiling made by the objects that took off from his workbench and went straight up! They shattered, hitting the ceiling hard! Nikola was frustrated, for he had discovered the creation of massless objects and didn't know how! He thought out of the box... the only one in existence to ever give you a blueprint on how alternating current might work. Oh, it's more than 3-D. Study it, for it's elegant.
All of this that Tesla did was created by magnetics, and this was also the basis behind the experiment in his workshop. However, in Tesla's time there were no computers or any of the finite instruments you have today to measure or create tiny fluctuations in magnetic fields. He accomplished the creation of altering the mass of an object, but he couldn't control it, and didn't know exactly how he did it. Frustrated, he was. By the way, he's back. I'm not going to tell you where. Maybe he will read this and know what to do next?..." Kryon.
Source : "Needed Science for the Times" Kryon @ Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 14, 2010.
Ophiuchus' Notes :-
Yipee!!! Tesla is back!!! Best news I've heard in a long time!
Hope he remembers who he is fast! Humanity needs him now!
A man ahead of his time, we didn't recognise his brilliance,the last time he came. Hopefully we would Now!
If not for him, we wouldn't be having our internet, mobile phone or wireless equipment now, not to mention that we are still waiting for the day clean and free energy is made available to humanity....
1st Update : 13 Dec 2010
"Know that without the darkness there could have been no contrast, no point of reference in such a godly pronouncement, and understand how the Creator is just as omnisciently Lord of the Sacred Darkness as of the Blessed Light." The Cosmos of Soul by Patricia Cori.
When I first wrote this entry about Nikola Tesla on 12 April 2010, I wasn't aware of the following information which only became available to me when I recently read the books "Atlantis Rising" by Patricia Cori and "Nothing In This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are" by Bob Frissell.
In Bob Frissell's book, there's a chapter on The Philadelphia Experiment, which was supposed to be a top-secret military experiment which attempted to make a battleship invisible. This happened in 1943, right in the middle of World War II. Even through, I've heard about this project (but had no idea what it was really about), and had also read about some of the inventions and works of Nikola Tesla - the fact that he's involved in the experiment had missed me all this while and therefore came as a surprise especially after my recent encounter reading about his ancient past in Atlantis as the Chief Alchemist of Atlan.
When I first borrowed the book "Atlantis Rising" from the library, the first page that fell opened was - Chapter 9, "Tesla, Alchemist of Atlan", looking at me! Surprised, I just started reading the book from there....I would have loved to rewrite the whole chapter here, but there again, go get the book it's really worth reading....
In it, Nikola Tesla was identified as Akkaeneset - Keeper of the Energy, and how he was assigned by the Annunaki ruling elite and the Dark Priesthood, to the supreme position of Chief Alchemist of Atlan (Atlantis).
But, it's said that he's not originally from Atlantis, but had journeyed from a galaxy far beyond our understanding of "distance" and "time", to take human form for the first time during the era of the Last Generation of Atlantis..."How his experimentation with the geophysical forces of Earth took place well before our modern times...He performed important experiments with gravity, invisibility, electricity; and how he and his team gave the Priesthood the power to fly crafts at a distance; there were solar ships, time machines and laser rays far more sophisticated than yours"...
"A time traveller, to the 3D framework the Alchemist brought acquired knowledge so far ahead of Earth time that he actually tore a hole in the linear time construct of that reality. He pulled humankind, in a sense, out of time-in-a-line and showed your race glimpses of fourth dimensional reality. Ironically, while providing the Priesthood the means of entraining the minds of your ancestors, he simultaneously gave to humanity the vision of that which lies beyond the constraints of the third dimension. This was a dual nature of his being amongst you; it was his greatest contribution to humankind."...
"Akkaeneset's reappearance in physical reality was determinedly a soul quest to resolve his Atlantean lifetime of dark intent, for his karmic debt was immense. As Chief Alchemist of Atlan, he was not only directly involved in the experiments that brought the destruction of that reality. He was mastermind of the Atlantis Error - its creator - and this he remembered. His tampering with the geophysical forces of Earth and the disruption of human emotional fields simply blew a fuse in the neural networks of Gaia. The sinking of Atlantis and the ensuing global devastation was simply that : Planet Earth was short-circuited and her central nervous system was shut down and lain to rest. Gaia, in essence, reclaimed her power."....
"After the devastation of that lifetime, the soul of Akkaeneset chose not to return to form until that time when he would be provided the opportunity to right the scales of his karmic debt could be released of the burden of the Error. The 'time' was 1856 - a turning point for humanity - the beginning of the Industrial Age. Nikola Tesla passed from the womb of the mother, through the portal and was born, bringing into the incarnation his innate knowledge of the workings of the Cosmos and not-so-remote memory of his Atlantean misdoings"....
"....Dedicated as he was, to exposing humanity to the awesome power of the contrasting and complimentary forces, he returned to form to teach you the ancient lesson - to show you how to utilize the forces of Gaia to serve the light, rather than to amplify the darkness. This was his karmic purpose... We confirm that his early years as Nikola Tesla were indeed, dedicated to bringing free energy to the entire planet, in order to serve humankind at another of its many juncture on the highway of ascension....Tesla was dedicated to gifting humanity with a technology that could corral the forces of Nature for the good of humankind...ending all famine, all suffering in the world. His initial intention was to bring the light of universal wisdom to the expanse of humanity's physical world and to empower the race with what he believed would be utilized for the good of all societies upon your planet...."
"...His noble idea was to utilize the natural forces of Gaia to bring free energy to the beings of Earth. Unfortunately, that was not the master plan of the power elite, whose marketing strategy for Planet Earth has always been formulated on a much less altruistic foundation....Although his early intentions were those of high purpose, the man, Nikola Tesla, unfortunately still had unresolved ego issues that were easily played by the Power, for this is their meat : the unresolved ego. Tesla knew that harnessing the power of such physiological forces would change the Earth's global reality forever. Unfortunately, his extra-dimensional vision of Gaia's geophysical potential as a source of free energy for all human beings was rejected by the corporate owners of Earth's resources, for they are already selling you energy....Disenchanted, Tesla began to turn his genius back to the dark side. He soon called upon by the sentinels of the power elite, the military leader, who set about monopolizing his work through extensive financial grants and access to the kind of equipment that only they could provide. This, of course, was part of the scheme to simply remove him form the public arena, where he might get enough attention to upset the plans of the Secret Government....So it was that his energies were redirected and his intention sabotaged, for the Power never intended to gift humankind with such a liberating resource....Nikola Tesla succumbed to his need for recognition, turning his knowledge over to the dark forces of the military. His earlier vision of free energy for all humanity and liberation from linear time were eventually replace with designs of controlling Atlantean devices, memories he brought through to be confronted once again as karmic choice..."
"...During this period, he reported having perfected a 'death beam' of such intensity that it could pull thousand of aircraft from the skies, just as it could drop entire battalions of enemy soldiers dead in their tracks. He indeed, speaking of that very technology that caused the island to sink into the ocean floor, shaking Earth right down to its core and destabilizing the auric field through to the outer layer of the atmosphere....The soul of the one incarnating as Nikola Tesla had once again chosen power over love; it chose the individual ego over the One Heart...and that choice changed forever the destiny of Planet Earth. As in Atlantis, the knowledge of such power was to shape the existence of all beings on the planet...indeed, of the very planet itself..."
For humanity, it's therefore of great importance that with the return of "Nikola Tesla", the soul of the one incarnating, will now chose love over power ; and the One Heart over the individual ego for the good of Gaia and all her children.
2nd Update : 28th May 2011
Found another reference on Nikola Tesla and Atlantis in the book "Atlantis and the Power System of the Gods" :
"Tesla and the Power System of Atlantis : According to the Unarius Academy of San Diego, California, NikolaTesla was the reincarnation of an Atlantean engineer and inventor who was responsible for the energy supply first used to provide power on a now destroyed island in the Atlantic. In Unarius theory, from the great central pyramid in Atlantis, power beams would be relayed from reflectors on mountaintops into the different homes where these power beams would be converted into light, heat or even to cool the house."
3rd Update : 08 Jan 2012
Just completed re-reading the book "Atlantis Rising" again. With so much going on in the world now, you can't help but see some of the highlights in the book materialising...
" that we have a better understanding of how All-That-Is works, isn't it the best time for us to take back our sovereign power ~ to release from the hold to re-establish ourselves : the free-willed, bright stars of Planet Earth. Gaia awaits our revolution - the overturning of all false masters - so that she can journey into the Fourth, healing the wounds and inconsonance of her final hours in the universe of matter.
We call you to unity, reminding you that you are sovereign beings, each with a time, a season and a rhythm - each with a song, a message and a reason.
It's a return to All-That-Is, the infinite journey of a spark of divine consciousness which, having lurked in the shadows and danced in the sun, eventually finds its way home..."
Sources :
Atlantis Rising, Patricia Cori, Chapter 9 "Tesla, Alchemist of Atlan" pp 105-116
The Cosmos of Soul, Patricia Cori, pp 1
Nothing In This Book Is True,But It's Exactly How Things Are, Bob Frissell, pp173-188
The Philadelphia Experiment :
Further Readings :
"Atlantis and the Power System of the Gods" by David Hatcher Childress & Bill Clendenon, pp244.
"There Are No Coincidences" by Ophiuchus on this blog published 20 August 2011.