Looking at the many scenes and description by victims of the many extreme weather changes happening in Australia,U.K.and China in recent days, have somewhat made it much clearer to me, why I've been driven passionately, especially in the past year, to understand more about the history of humanity, the cycles of our Mother Earth and our true relationship with the Universe as One.
Here, I've decided to post just 2 short abstracts of Kryon's channelling in July and Nov 2008, on what's happening on with our planet and it's changes in weather patterns...
Current Events
This live channelling was Given in Asheville, North Carolina
July 12, 2008
Current Events
This live channelling was Given in Asheville, North Carolina
July 12, 2008
...Number four. We have some simple advice about the weather. Understand that it's not going to get better. If you sit and wish for it, that will not make it better. We have explained it before, so we will say it again. You're in a water cycle that is profoundly set to create a mini ice age. It may seem odd to you that it gets hot before it has to get cold, but if you will look into your geology records, you will find the exact same thing has happened before. You didn't have the record keeping back then in the 1400s, but it happened then and you survived it then. So we say to you, the winds will return, and our advice is to prepare for this by creating a situation where you acclimate to the new weather.
Learn to anticipate it; build differently. Feel free not to build where danger is, or learn to build in safer places. But the admonishment is this: Don't be shocked when it returns. It will return. Don't be surprised when the levees break again south of you, because they will. You'd be much better off to move the dirt around in that town, and build on higher ground. [The berm system that Kryon mentioned in the past, where you build houses on what look like large strip-rows of raised dirt, where only the streets are below the water level. The houses are all built on the dirt strips, emulating the way crops are watered.] That is smart. We'll see if it happens. "What are you saying, Kryon?" I am saying that Human Beings can adapt as they have in the past, and the way you can now. If you start thinking smarter, you can adapt for the weather changes. Take charge of how you affect it, not how it affects you. Turn weather catastrophes into weather events.
Also, do not fear what is happening. Do not project what you see today into some kind of drama that you expect tomorrow. The warming is a pre-cursor to cold, just as in the past... just as in the past. You can sit around and worry about it, or you can prepare for it. That was number four....
"Current Events & Potentials for 2009"
This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California
November 30, 2008
"Current Events & Potentials for 2009"
This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California
November 30, 2008
The Earth
I'll start with the earth. I'm going to start big and go small. Current events: What's going on with the planet itself? Esoterically, the Crystalline Grid of this planet is filling up with new energy. Part of the Crystalline structure's attributes is remembrance. Children remember this even from the crystal radio sets they might have built in school. A crystal has frequency detection and remembrance. That's at a scientific and geologic level. At an esoteric level, the Crystalline Grid of this planet remembers you and your frequency. It remembers your Akash, and it knows why you're here. It's always ready to activate.
Gaia is alive and is your partner in vibrational shift. It always has been. You and Gaia have an agreement to work together, and part of the issue there is all of the things surrounding this – what we will call the geophysics of the planet. They are beginning to shift before you. Now I give you science and I throw the gauntlet out and I say go check it! Why is it that the magnetic field has moved so much and so far, even in the last 10 years? "What's up with that?" you might say. We told you it would 20 years ago. It had to. For the magnetic grid of the earth literally speaks to the DNA within the trillions of pieces in your body, which are emulating the very Akashic record of life, death and the past expressions [lives] of who you are.
Are you aware that your Akashic Record is interdimensional? We stood right here and told you that years ago [Laguna Hills]. There are two layers of your interdimensional DNA that are energies linked together, which we call the Lemurian layers. They've been with you from the beginning, and they are your Akashic Record. It takes two of them linked together in this purpose to give this amazing storage, and they're the only pair of interdimensional layers you have. The twisted strand? Well now, that's the 3D part, the double helix, and not really even a pair. No, I'm talking about two interdimensionally linked layers. That's how strong the Akash is, and how strong the record of who you are is.
Your Akashic Record is interdimensional and has no time. To you it does, for you say it's a record of the past. But it's really not. It's a record of the present as culled from your past. Imprinted upon it are the potentials of what's going to happen to you next time around. Again, the Akashic Record sounds like something from the past, does it not? But rather, it's the Akashic Record of who you're going to be. If all is in the now in a quantum state, then any kind of a "record" is everything that happens, not just in one direction [your past]. It must include a "record" of the potentials of the future. We don't expect you to understand this.
"Well, Kryon, even in my limited understanding, that means predestination." No, it does not. You see, you are a piece of God, just like I am. We know the potentials you're building with the life energy you have now, and what the propensities are of what you will do next. Oh, it's not totally known, but it is potential, nevertheless. It's also known that all of you are coming back. Yes, you are! You'll have the mind of God on the other side of the veil and you're going to come back very quickly.
Turnaround times? [from birth to reincarnation] Forget everything you've been told. In this energy, esoterically I will tell you that a Lightworker may come and go within a year. One year! If it's longer than that, then they're waiting for something. Forget what you've been told by those who are metaphysical, by those in the old energy, of how long it takes to regenerate another plan. You have no idea of how this has all changed. The energy on this planet supports a fast turnaround. That ought to tell you what's been happening here.
I want you to look at the magnetic field's strength. It's getting lower! Go ahead and measure the actual gauss units. It is not as strong as it was. What does that mean? Remember this: The veil, what you have called the veil, is defined as that which is between you and the other side of you. That is, it's what's between 3D and multiple-D. You think it's the curtain between you and God, but it's not that clear cut. It's thick, this veil, and we have told you from the beginning that magnetics and the gravity and the light of this planet are all part of it. Now they're all becoming weaker, becoming less. The veil is beginning to lift a little, and some of you have felt it and you know exactly what I'm speaking of.
Why don't you also go and measure the heliosphere of the sun? Go ahead. Rise from your chairs and go look it up. You will find it's never been weaker! Some will say it's dangerously low. The heliosphere is the magnetic compliment of the sun that literally shields you from the cosmic rays of space. It's getting less and less in your solar system! Don't worry, however, since it's all part of a system, an earth system that you are changing, and it's all part of science that you can measure, and all part of what we told you to expect.
Do I have to ask you to go and look up the weather shifts that you've had? Perhaps you will just look out the window? [Laughter] Twenty years ago, we said there will be places that would no longer grow things that always did, and other places where things would grow where they never did. We told you of areas that were barren that would have water. What does that tell you about the weather? It tells you that there would be major shifts in the water cycle. Today, that's what you're seeing. Do not fear this shift!
First of all, we'll say it again: It is slow! You have time. If the water level rises, get out of the way! The earth moves slowly. Those who keep track of these things will see them happening, and you'll have years to adjust. Yet there will be some Humans who will dig in and challenge it – and drown. Humans do that, you know? They don't believe what's happening and they deny change. Consciousness is the same thing. Have you seen it lately? There are some who will dig in because they don't like the change, and they will drown in the process. That is metaphorically saying that there are those who will give their lives to keep everything the same. What does that tell you about the shift? They wouldn't do that unless they were seeing something they didn't like: Shift.
Again, we say this: There is nothing wrong with the weather. It is going through a cycle that has advanced itself. In other words, it is before its time because you have sped up the geology of this planet. You've actually sped up the clock in a relative way. That is to say that as your clock goes the same speed and you even seem to age the same way, but the planet has sped up! You might say, "Well, that doesn't make sense, Kryon." You're right. It wouldn't to you, because you are in 3D and these things are relative to interdimensional attributes. Haven't you felt the increase in the speed of time? Ask innate, ask that which is inside, "Have you felt the speed-up lately?" That's the anxiousness, the awakening at three in the morning we told you about years ago. That's an earth speeding up. It's all there for you to look at. Now, that's not something that's going to happen. That's something that did happen, and here you sit....
For those who are interested to read more, you may visit http:// www.kryon.com